Metelerkamps + Fairlady Consumer Awards = 3 Finalists! 2014

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EVERYBODY who knows Metelerkamps, knows we stock the best, most beautiful most clever goodies in our gorgeous store in Knysna. Even Fairlady magazine suspected that we know our stuff! So they asked us to nominate some of our staffs favourite products for the 2014 Fairlady Consumer Awards. 

Staff Favourites = 3 Finalists!

The Dualit Mini Oven

Dualit mini oven

We just love the Dualit mini oven for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it only takes 3 minutes to heat up, secondly, it is compact enough to not take up too much space and thirdly, its easy to clean – with non stick parts! And last but not least it is simply beautiful!

AMT Pan – 28cm


  AMT, voted at the 2012 Chef Olympics as the ‘worlds best pan’ – see our previous blog – we already bragged about its awesomeness there! But just to mention, once you have used any of these pans, you will be blown away. The AMT takes heat conduction and non-stick to the next level!  Definately a staff favorite!!

Eva Solo Birdfeeder


This is more a work of art than a bird feeder, its co cleverly designed! We love this product because its the perfect bird feeder. It keeps the bigger birds like doves out and you will be able to enjoy the smaller varieties as they eat in luxury. They make the perfect gift too!

Get your copy of the November issue and see all the other goodies including wines, oils, toys and more. We have over 10 of these BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS in stock at Metelerkamps! Click HERE to see a list of all the finalists.

If you haven’t been into our store yet, you have lost out! But don’t worry too much, we are not going anywhere. When next in Knysna, you must come in and see for yourself. We also have a new range of pastas and the best foodstuffs! Find us right here
