#WEWON Metelerkamps Award Winning for Africa 2014


gia –  Global Innovation Award program

This is the world’s leading awards program honoring overall excellence, business innovation and creative merchandising in home goods retailing. The organizers and global sponsors of gia are the International Housewares Association (IHA) and the International Home + Housewares Show. Co-sponsoring the country-specific gia award programs with IHA are over 25 housewares trade publications worldwide, which sponsor national gia programs in their respective countries and areas.

Since the launch of the gia program in 2000, there have been close to 300 gia retail award winners, from over 30 countries around the world.

Metelerkamp’s is the first ever gia winner from South Africa and the African continent

Awarded by the IHA (there is no national gia sponsor for South Africa/Africa), Metelerkamp’s, together with more than 20 current-year national gia winners from around the world, will be honored at the 2015 International Home + Housewares Show in March, where five of the national winners will earn the special distinction of gia Global Honoree bestowed by a distinguished panel of international retail experts.

We have been saying for a long time that we are awesome and this proves it! We are very proud and excited about this award. John will be travelling to Chicago in March 2015 and in his suit and bow-tie, he will collect the award at a very larney gala evening!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to our Newsletter on our Homepage to see how we grow and grow! Metelerkamps is a company to watch we are going places and will soon be known throughout South Africa as a leading retail and e-commerce store!

For more information, visit www.housewares.org/gia

