Metelerkamps Loves Local

Everyone at Metelerkamps has a passion for community. We want to see our town, Knysna, and our Country, South Africa thrive.

Metelerkamps Loves Local

Metelerkamps love to support local South African and Garden Route businesses. We believe in  selling items that last longer and in the words of one of our favourite proudly Knysna manufacturers – Bark and Mill: “for those who seek to own fewer, better items”

Avril Metelerkamp spends time meticulously curating and selecting products for our customers and then displaying her treasures so beautifully. Metelerkamps is renowned for having the most unique, gorgeous showroom. We get visitors from all over the world, most of who have been told by their friends and family, that a visit to Knysna is not complete until experiencing Metelerkamps. (We are very grateful to our Metelerkamps Ambassadors)

We would like to encourage everyone to support local, below is a simple and thought-provoking illustration of the importance of spending your cash in your local economy.

Catherine Wijnberg is the Director and Founder of the Fetola Foundation. In an article for BusinessTech she explains why supporting local is so important:

” In today’s reality (especially in poor communities such as the Eastern Cape where up to 60% of the population live off social grants and there is very little local economic activity), Mary gets R10. She spends R7 at the local Boxer store where R2 of her money goes to a local shop’s wages, R5 goes to national suppliers elsewhere in the country and R1 goes to shareholders at the JSE. She also spends R3 to buy data at MTN, so all that money goes to MTN headquartered in Gauteng. None of her R10 circulates in the local economy so no one other than Mary benefits from it. Money in equals money out and there is zero local wealth creation. Mary’s R10 didn’t stay in the local community for even one day.

… in the days before the arrival of malls and major chain stores, Mary would spend R10 at the baker; who (assuming a 10% profit retention); would spend R9 at the butcher; who would spend R8 at the tailor; who would spend R7 at the school; who would spend R6 at the stationery store; who would spend R5 at the farmer’s market and so on. A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over”

Here is a list of some of our local suppliers. Please support them. Buy local. Promote Local. Keep your money in your community. Don’t buy junk.

Cape Herb and Spice Sandra Pelser Art
Mia Melange The Cheaky Co
Melvill and Moon Meshuggah 
Art d Olivia Nova Chocolate
Cape Island Winston and Julia
Greg’s Honey Mount Snow Nougat
Hart’s Honey A Supreme Love
Tjhoko paint African Jacquard
Gudgu Cordials Tierhoek Organic
Barrydale weavers DuSwaRoo
Darling Toffees Mustard Deli
Babylonstoren Darling Olives
Bark and Mill De Rustica
Ardmore Funky Ouma
Charisma Candles StoneLodge
Rio Largo Olives 
