Irish Whiskey Chocolate Cheese cake

Irish Whiskey Chocolate Cheese cake

An indulgent but easy to make, no bake, dessert. A crunchy biscuit shell filled with a smooth chocolate cheesecake intensely flavoured with Irish whisky cream liquor. Decorate with some physalis fruit for a special finishing touch.

Serves 10-12


Base 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons Demerara sugar
200g crushed digestive biscuits
80g melted butter and extra to grease the dish


300g  sweet dark chocolate, melted
300g  cream cheese
100 ml  Irish whisky cream liqueur
1 sachet  powdered gelatine and 100ml hot water
300ml whipped double cream
Physalis fruit to decorate
Baking paper


Base Lightly grease the dish with a little butter and line the base with a circle of baking paper.
Mix the cocoa powder and sugar into the crushed biscuits, pour in the melted butter and combine.
Place the mixture into the flan dish and press flat, pushing the crumb up the sides to form the edge.
Chill for 30 minutes.


Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water.
Blend the cream cheese with the Irish cream liquor until smooth
Dissolve the gelatine in the hot water and stir into the cream cheese mix.
Whisk in the whipped cream followed by the melted chocolate.
Pour the mixture into the set biscuit base, smooth over the top and chill for 2 hours.
Decorate the top with physalis fruit.

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